Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a classic teahouse trek that takes you to foothills of the Annapurna Massifs. Trudging along the rugged trails of Annapurna, adorned with a diverse landscape, unique culture, high Himalayas, and rich biodiversity is truly a once in a lifetime experience.

Annapurna in Sanskrit means “goddess of the harvest,” which is quite appropriate considering the rich biodiversity of the region. The adventure of Annapurna Base Camp extends for 13 days. You’ll get to marvel at the majestic mountains, including Annapurna range, Machhapuchhre, Hiunchuli, Gangapurna, Khangsar Kang, and Tent Peak. In addition to that, this trek integrates the unique cultures of Gurungs, their rustic lifestyle, and their royal hospitality.

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Nepal Social treks

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 100,000.00
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