Do you need an air ambulance service in Jamshedpur to transfer a critical patient safely to another state?

Angel Air Ambulance in Jamshedpur provides guaranteed safe medical transfer and perfect assistance to avoid any hassles in case of an emergency. We provide air ambulances equipped with ICU and CCU inside our aircraft. We ensure that our services are maintained in perfect hygienic condition. So that the patient does not have to face any problem. We provide all types of services to patients at low cost. You can book for both patient treatment and transfer by calling our Angel Air Ambulance Jamshedpur.

To Avail Inquire Today!!
Angel Air & Train Ambulance
Mobile: - +91-9264440085, +91-9264440087
Email: -

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Angel Air Ambulance

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 500,000.00
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