• Wall mounting
  • 5-inch LCD touch screen to display operation interface, advertisement, etc.
  • 2 MP wide-angle lens
  • WDR
  • Face recognition distance: 0.3 m to 1 m
  • High performance processor with deep learning algorithm
  • Max. 3000 face pictures and Max. 5000 fingerprints
  • Note: Only the device containing fingerprint module supports fingerprint related functions.
  • Multiple authentication modes: authentication by comparing face picture, by swiping card and comparing face picture, by custom mode, etc.
  • Accurate and fast face recognition function. The face recognition duration is no more than 1s per person and the face recognition accuracy rate is more than 99%
  • Applies face picture data and card data to the device via TCP/IP or uploading them to the device via the USB flash drive
  • Stand-alone operation
  • 0 コメント

nepal buying

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

₨39.350.00 NPR
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