Mothers Kitchen is a home-based organization. We bring you the freedom from oily, preservative mixed gravies; basen loaded dals; rice cooked with soda. We bring you the freedom from Boring Meals Syndrome by incorporating items and as well as give assurance of hygiene. Also offering catering service in Kathmandu at a very affordable cost.

If you don't have the time, energy or desire to plan and cook meals every day for lunch then Mothers Kitchen is your solution! 
Mothers Kitchen is a home-based service that provides you with nutritious & fresh meals every day.

Spend less time in the kitchen at the grocery store, restaurants and more time relaxing and enjoying healthy meals at your office table or homes. You control the budget and you save hours of valuable time as well as you will enjoy freshly cooked home food that is better than processed, prepackaged and take-out meals.

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Mothers Kitchen

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

150 NRS
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