GYAPU is the most rewarding online shopping platform led by Nepali Entrepreneurs with the objective of expanding and flourishing e-commerce industries in Nepal and across South East Asia. The primary objective of GYAPU is to build the Nepali Global Brand and promote domestic Nepali products in Nepal and throughout the globe.


GYAPU pledges to disintermediate the monopoly of mediators and existing e-commerce industrial trends. GYAPU envisions to uplifting the local business enthusiasts and overall Economy of Nepal while simultaneously creating job opportunities nationwide.

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Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 100.00
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  • あなたの国以外では売買しないでください。あなたの国外からの小切手を受け入れないでください
  • このサイトはいかなる決済にも関与せず、決済、発送、保証取引、エスクローサービス、または「バイヤー保護」を提供しません。