Holistic nutrishine (for children) is a special package targeted for the growth and development of children. It contains barley grass extract, spirulina powder and winter mushroom extract. It helps in proper physical and mental growth of children. It improves digestibility, circulatory system, eyesight and immunity of the children making them develop holistically.


Nutrishine for children has the following health applications:
1. Improving the digestion in children

2. Improving the concentration in studies

3. Development of muscles and bones

4. Improving the immune system hence keeping the diseases away from body.

Product Information

  • Brand : holistic
  • Weight : 90 capsule, 45 grams
  • Tags : Nutrishine,child health
  • Type : Supplements
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Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

₨3.500.00 NPR
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