It is a special formulation for men health, contains cordyceps sinensis extract, ginseng extract and tongkat ali extract. It balances overall men health and improves sexual capacity. It also cuts off excess fat and cholesterol and balances blood pressure and sugar and also improves blood circulation.

Nutrishine for men can be used for following conditions:

  1. Maintaining proper physical health
  2. Improving sexual health
  3. Controlling blood pressure and sugar level
  4. Improving blood circulation

Additional info

Nutrishine for men is a special product formulation. It treats most of the men’s health problems and also blocks the way for new forthcoming diseases. Being a composite of three products, it has the qualities of these three individual products.

Product Information

  • Brand : holistic
  • Weight : 90 capsule, 45 grams
  • Tags : Nutrishine,Men health
  • Type : Supplements
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nepal buying

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 5,500.00
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