To keep outside environment clean and healthy, the outdoor floor should be cleaned in regular interval. Like indoor floor cleaning, outdoor floor cleaning is equally important because the high number of dirt are daily accumulated in outdoor floors. When the outdoor floor is out from regular maintenance, dirt particles are accumulated in the floor, algae and other plant or fungus covers the floor and keeps it away from its beauty. Also, not cleaning outdoor floor can cause health issues as it gives rise to fungus and bacteria. Therefore, the outdoor floor should be cleaned and maintained on a regular interval.
We provide a high power pressure washer to clean your outdoor floor and walls with professional
Note:- minimum charges will be Rs 3000
धेरै area भएमा per square feet को rs 15
We provide a high power pressure washer to clean your outdoor floor and walls with professional
Note:- minimum charges will be Rs 3000
धेरै area भएमा per square feet को rs 15
- 1 komentár
Selena Muriette pred 4 rokmi
Great! Thank you for sharing . May I ask, may I know other services that you offer? and the corresponding price for them. Thanks.
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pradeep Dhungana
Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu
नेरू 3,000.00
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