Silicone Condom In Pakistan

Silicone Washable/Reusable Condom Price in Pakistan

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Silicone Washable/Reusable Condom Works:
Pinch air out of the tip of the condom.
Type Dotted, Ribbed & Dotted.
Carefully open and remove the condom from the wrapper.
Place a condom on the head of the erect, hard penis. If uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin first.
Carefully remove the condom, wash it, and keep it for next time.
Unroll the condom all the way down the penis. After sex but before pulling out, hold the condom at the base. Then pull out, while holding the condom in place.

For More Information:

Order On Call & WhatsApp - 03034593001 | 03226037210
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नेरू 1,500.00
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