At Global Recruit Experts, we are dedicated to connecting businesses with reliable, hardworking, and experienced workers across various industries. We recruit skilled & unskilled labor from Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Philippines & Uganda to Europe and Gulf Countries.
Our Services Include:
Recruitment for Construction, Manufacturing, Hospitality, and more
Pre-screened, trained, and qualified candidates
Local and international workforce solutions
Hassle-free documentation and deployment support
Industries We Serve:
Construction & Engineering
Hospitality & Tourism
Agriculture & Farming
Manufacturing & Logistics
Why Choose Us?
Cost-effective recruitment services
Fast and efficient hiring process
Tailored workforce solutions to meet your specific needs
Contact us today
Head Office: Sinamangal 09, Tara Hall Chowk, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact Numbers: +977 9802375170
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globalrecruit experts
Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu
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