The conventions of
luxury are evolving every day. The world is adapting to smarter ways of life
and convenience is the new trend. We’re all driven by the pursuit of seeking
the best that life has to offer.  explore Kohler Veil and Kohler Numi, intelligent toilets from the world leader in design and
innovation that make you see what you’ve been missing out on.

Leading designers and
innovators at Kohler infuse intelligence to maximize comfort and their
in-depth understanding of modern-day The Numi And
Veil toilet
combines unmatched design and technology for
superior personal cleansing. All of the features are easy to control on
a touchscreen LCD remote control.

For more info contact:

Soltimod (Ward No-13), Kathmandu(Province-3)

Kathmandu 44600

Kathmandu, Nepal

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Kohler Nepal

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

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