Building a website for Nepal? Secure a memorable .np domain name to connect with local audiences.

Stand Out in Nepali: Get a domain that reflects your brand and resonates with Nepali users.
Fast & Easy Registration: Our platform makes registering your .np domain a breeze.
Nepali Support Team: Our team speaks Nepali and is here to guide you through the process.
Competitive Prices: Secure your domain name without overspending.
Free Extras: Many plans include domain privacy protection and email accounts.
Don't miss out! Claim your unique piece of the Nepali internet today!

Limited Offer: Get a free year of domain privacy protection with your .np domain registration!

To place orders visit our website or for any other query related to products and Offers, contact us @ +977 9869421801 or email us at

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Bishal Tiwari

Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 899.00
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