Product Description

Zero addiction powder is an amazing and powerful remedy for treating different kinds of drug addiction. Smoking, drinking and similar other products adversely affect various parts of our body. According to national cancer institute, addiction to such harmful substances can lead to the cancers of the mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver in men and of breast cancer in women. Addiction to alcohol, cigarette and tobacco is dangerous for your health. The addiction to these substances can lead to various substances.

Zero Addiction herbal powder is the perfect cure for the people addicted with alcohol, cigarette, tobacco etc. It is completely safe and causes no side effects. It helps in curing addiction to any unhealthy substance by the human. The product provides various health benefits to the body and can be used for long time periods. fi you want to buy please call us: 9851156778

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Nepal / Bagmati / Kathmandu

नेरू 3,500.00 नेरू 4,000.00
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